Baby Massage

Greetings peeps

Today Mummy and I went to post natal group to learn how to do baby massage - and I actually managed not to poop myself just as we were on our way out - so we even made it into Bingham on time -a huge achievement I can tell you!!!

Anyhow, when we got there I was bright and alert and ready for anything but by the time it came to actually massage me I decided it was noshy time and then I needed a big snooze, so I decided to give it a miss! Poor Mummy just had to watch from the sidelines along with Tracy and Sienna (who had the same idea as me - a girl after my own heart!) but at least she got to learn the theory so we could give it a go this evening.

When we did eventually get around to trying it out before bedtime I decided it was a very lovely thing to do and had a good long snooze to celebrate!!!

